Revolving Door

30mm diameter - Mosaic gold in sterling silver
$275 USD

I've only been back to Greece for about two and half weeks, but it's already felt like there's been a revolving door of people coming through town. When I arrived, one long time friend was already here, and she was quickly followed by another friend, then a client for a private lesson (yes, I do those too, contact me for details). One of my man's friends "from back in the day" came for a visit, who I'd never met, then two more friends breezed into town for a few days. Don't worry, I've not been putting all these people up in my tiny flat! However, it doesn't end there; next week Kosta's daughter arrives, and in couple weeks two of my besties come. So it's been hectic since I arrived, and abuzz with lots of socializing! 

It's going to be very strange when my revolving door here settles down in mid July, but there's always a surprise visitor or two to keep me on my toes. 
